1. Prop. 2 Will Result In BILLIONS In New Taxes. [MORE.]
2. Prop. 2 Discriminates Against The Majority Of Black And Latino Construction Workers. [MORE.]
3. Prop. 2 Is A Give-Away To Wealthy School Districts. [MORE.]
4. Prop. 2 Diverts Money To Politically Connected Special Interest Groups. [MORE.]
5. Prop. 2 Will Result In $1.5 BILLION Tax Dollars Wasted Because It Restricts Construction To Less Than 20% Of The Construction Workforce. [MORE.]
6. Prop. 2 Will Not Meet The Needs Of California Schools ($40 BILLION Needed.) [MORE.]
7. Rewards Poor Planning & The Bad Decision To Borrow For Basic Services. California Had A $100 BILLION Dollar Surplus Just Last Year. [MORE.]
8. Prop. 2 Spends $1 Billion Dollars Of The $10 Billion It Would Borrow, To Paper-Over The $1 Billion Dollar Deficit That The Governor and The Legislature Irresponsibly Left In Last Year’s Education Budget. [MORE.]
9. Prop. 2 Saddles Californians With $17.5 BILLION Dollars Of More Debt. [MORE.]
10. Prop. 2 Will Not Bolster Education. Prop 2 Does Not Even Require The Funds To Be Spent On Schools. Sacramento will spend the $10 billion on whatever it wants. [MORE.]