(Governor Gavin Newsom / Lenny Mendonca, Director, Go-Biz / Anthony Williams, Governor’s Legislative Secretary)
Since the election last fall, business folks throughout the state have been wondering about our new Governor’s ideas and focus.
BizFed was at a meeting last week where we learned a lot more about our new Governor’s ideas.
Check it out!

- Governor Newsom has committed to a $1.7 billion tax credit to stimulate private sector investment to address the state’s affordability crisis and promote economic growth.
- The Governor will focus on the missing middle and will work to increase our workforce housing supply.
- Will pursue CEQA reform so that we can reach our housing goals.
- Committed to Redevelopment 2.0 and utilize EIFD’s and Opportunity Zones.
- Governor Gavin Newsom has an ambitious plan to rein in prescription drug costs through a statewide purchasing system; ultimately, pooling the power of California’s largest public and private buyers.
- LA County is the first jurisdiction to join the Governor’s initiative.
- A second jurisdiction will be announced later next week.
CA Wild Fires
- Governor Newsom expressed his concerns for the multibillion-dollar wildfire liability problem that has affected our largest power companies.
- The Governor has called for legislation to be passed before lawmakers take a month-long summer recess on July 12 aiming at stabilizing our utilities.
International Trade
- The Governor expressed his excitement for Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis to lead the charge as his top International Affairs and Trade Development representative.
- Currently, they are in the process of vetting all trade MOU’s between the state, county, and local cities.
California Infrastructure Economic Development Bank (IBank)
- Big announcement coming in the May budget revise.
- The Governor expressed his commitment to the Computer Science for California program (CS for CA) and will be adding additional funding in the May budget revise.
- The Governor is committed to secure water reliability and is in support of 1 tunnel to guarantee water conveyance to Southern California – CA WaterFix.
- The Governor believes all Californian’s have a right to clean drinking water and believe his proposed water tax is a great idea. However, he is open to other solutions.
- In the Governor eye’s California has failed to address its homelessness crisis and has committed a large amount of funding to address this issue. Look out for the May budget revise.
- The Governor believes converting motels into homeless housing is a great idea.

Key Staff Introduced By Lenny Mendonca, Director of Go-Biz
Chris Dombrowski
Chief Deputy Director, GoBiz – chris.dombrowski@gobiz.ca.gov
Bud Colligan
Senior Advisor for International Affairs and Trade – bud.colligan@gobiz.ca.gov
Kaitlin Lewis
Assistant Deputy Director – Communications – kaitlin.lewis@gobiz.ca.gov
Aneesh Raman
Senior Advisor on Strategy and External Affairs – aneesh.raman@gobiz.ca.gov
Cheryl Akin
Deputy Director, California Compete Tax Credit – cheryl.akin@gobiz.ca.gov
William Koch
Deputy Director, California Community Reinvestment Grants Program – william.koch@gobiz.ca.gov
Maral Farsi
Deputy Director, Legislative Affairs – maral.farsi@gobiz.ca.gov
Isabel Guzman
Director of the Office of Small Business Advocate, Small Business Assistance and Innovation – isabel.guzman@gobiz.ca.gov
Tyson Eckerle
Deputy Director, Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure – tyson.eckerle@gobiz.ca.gov
Frank Ramirez
Goods Movement and Sustainable Freight Manager, Goods Movement & Sustainable Freight Program – frank.ramirez@gobiz.ca.gov